Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Love Hate Relationship

Some of you may not know that Corey and I adopted another cat named Margo. She is amazingly soft, loves drinking bath water and has the cutest little meow in the morning. But most of you know about MELIVN. If your wondering about the caps then you obviously don't know about him. He is incredible good looking (I think he knows it), loves to be held over your right shoulder 1st thing when you get home, loves eating human food and if he could would live in the fridge, and is very controlling and possessive over his things including his people. We always wanted another pet tried the dog thing but Melvin cornered the 75lbs greyhound and bit him to no end. The dog was so frighten he wouldn't leave his kennel. Then we convinced ourselves that maybe Melvin would rather have a friend of the feline kind. It has been two months since we got Margo. It is a daily battle to retrain Melvin to not eat, bite, slap, hiss or chase her. Just when we are about to make Melvin an outdoor cat he does something shocking like this..........no he isn't biting her but bathing her which lasted a good 15mintues, then he bit her. I guess its a love hate relationship.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Results Are In :)

Slowly over the last three days the results of my tests have come back. 1st I am not pregnant, could of told them that one with out peeing in a cup, hello I am on birth control! Next I don't have Chlamydia. Again could of told you that one with out putting my feet in stirrups, been with the same person 6 years and married for 3 years, didn't the rock on my finger give it away. Lastly my ultrasound results came in with a happy face on it from doctor saying, "all clear hope your feeling better." All clear does that mean I never had a cyst or that by the time I took the test it was gone? I feel like I didn't get any real answers. Hope I don't get whatever it was again next cycle. Luckily I only had to pay dollars to get results I could of came up with my self.

Friday, April 18, 2008

This close!!!

I was a stones throw away from quiting my job today. I am mad at myself for not believing in myself and not getting off my lazy butt to apply for jobs sooner. I don't like that I have gotten to the point I want to cry at work or just walk out the door. What gets me the most isn't the clients it is the lack of respect people have for me, the job and each other. I mean I work with people that during work hours leave to get a massage and still take a freaken break!!!! Where personal phone calls can last up to 20minutes while clients are waiting. I just want to work with professionals and work for a supervisor who is professional. I want a job I enjoy coming to work everyday. I thought I found one and applied but haven't heard anything back. It was in HR an area I have little experience in. I have more skills in the area of public health but I am tired of working in this field. I just need a break from it. Feeling depressed, stressed and overwhelmed what a great way to start the weekend. I hope you all have a good weekend, send me lots of finding a job karma.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Feeling sorry for myself

Had the ultrasound today. It went really fast but haven't heard anything about it. I still feel pain and now I have a headache and I am really tired. Mostly I think tired of not feeling like my self and worrying about it. I hope it doesn't take a week to hear how it went. I wish they would of given me something more than advil for the pain.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fingers crossed

WARNING: this is about female stuff move on if you don't want to read. Last week I started to feel cramps on the right side. I thought it was nothing till it got so bad I couldn't pay attention at work. I got a Dr's appointment late Friday. It was with a male OBGYN, my first time with a guy :) He asked me some questions and checked me. He believed I had an ovarian cyst on my right ovary. Yea! not sure how that happen since I am taking birth control pills. He scheduled me for an ultrasound for this week to make sure everything is fine. If I felt better I could cancel it. So its been 6 days and I don't feel better guess I am keeping my appointment tomorrow. I always thought my first ultrasound would be to look at a baby not a bum ovary. Here is hoping everything is fine and my wild imagination is put at ease.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sweetie Pie

Just had to share or brag about my husband, C0rey. He knows I haven't been happy with my job. He knew it before I was ready to admit to it or do something about it. He also has seen me working hard on my resume and looking for jobs too. He told me last night that he was going to have a surprise for me tomorrow. When I got home tonight there were these amazing flowers not just your average grocery store flowers but real florist flowers even better. I feel so love and supported!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Looking for Work

I have finally decided to move on from my job at the county. It is a little bit of irritation with the clients, style of management and the fact that I am doing the same thing I was 5 years ago when I started. I am excited about learning something new and trying out a different work environment (one with at least 2 men). One of many things I will miss about my job is my co-workers, the money and the benefits. A downside of looking for a job is you have to work so hard and apply everywhere before you get that job. It would also help if I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up! So keep your fingers crossed that I have some good luck and realize what my passion is.

What the!

I had to do a double take while I was driving home today. Walking across the street were to freshman or sophomore boys both semi overweight smoking cigarettes. I was completely grossed out by it. I thought smoking cigarettes went out with pointy bra's in the fifties!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Beneficial or a New Addiction

So I guess I am what people call a lurker. I have a few blogs or boards I like to frequent but rarely share on. But all that is going to change today, I got the bright idea to start my own blog. Not sure who is going to read it but maybe it will help prevent me from going insane. What finally convinced me was I was riding max home on Friday and there was two men standing near the doors. One guy was in his early twenties and had piercings all over his face at least 10 and he was listening to his head phones with his head down. The other guy was older early thirties. He started picking on the young one saying "why did you do that to your face?" "You don't have your penis pierced do you?" "If you do your a real fag." He continued to make negative comments all the while the young guy tried to ignore him. I started to get really upset I don't get why some people feel the need to make rude remarks. Didn't their parents ever teach them if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything. As I was walking to my car I started to think if I had a blog that is something I would write about. So now I have a blog and now I wrote about. Hey I didn't say it was a moment of amazing clarity that convinced me to blog. But the big thing on my mind is is this going to be beneficial or a new addiction. I guess I'll find out.