Thursday, May 29, 2008


I hate having to call in sick at work. I spend the rest of the day worrying about how everyone else is coping or thinking of ways to use my time at home wisely. I hate just laying around I think it actually makes me feel worse. But yesterday I got a UTI again and the medication is a higher dose than normal and is making me sick. I have to take it with food but when I do I feel sick so then I don't want to eat which makes me feel sick. I hate being sick!!!!! At least Melvin enjoys the company. I really do think he misses Margo if only chasing her.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Last Room

This weekend Corey and I finally did it. We painted the family room our last room to be painted. Over the last two years we have painted every room including closets. It was not because we love to paint or did not like the colors the previous owners used. It was the fact that the previous owners were horrible painters. They did not care about detail edging or even getting the paint all the way up the wall. But that is besides the point, We are DONE painting at least the inside. Our plan is to paint the outside this summer, still discussing the colors. Here are the pictures of our family room with things finally hanging on the wall. We decided to make this room our traveling room. Filled with all the things we or other people have picked up on their travels for us. Please ignore Melvin's toys he seems to think it is his room. Oh I almost forgot our new couch, love it! Corey and I both can lay down on it. Before we had each of our parents old couches. Getting matching furniture another sign of being a grownup.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Real Bargain

Last year Corey and I paid for a native landscape plan for our front and backyard. Even though it was on paper we could see our yard had the potential to look amazing. It currently though is filled with over sized bushes, large trees and must not forget seedlings from our neighbors trees. Slowly we (meaning Corey) has taken out unwanted bushes and planted hostas. This weekend we went to the 1/2 off THPRD native plant sale. The actual plant sale started on Earth day but we missed it. Each memorial day weekend they sale the left over plants for 1/2 price. Due to the weather being mostly nasty they didn't sale as much as they hoped and we reaped the benefit. The volunter there told us if we bought one plant $3.95 we could get the rest free. Being the newly married, just bought a house, changing jobs couple we couldn't resist such an offer. We bought so much my car was full. We end up with Evergreen Huckleberries, Salal, Alumroot, Vine Maples, Ferns and oregon grape. The picture is all of our goodies we got. We did end up donating the rest of the cash we had to THPRD. We both can not wait till next year to see what plants and what bargains we get. Happy Planting!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thanks for the support

This weekend was a family weekend. My niece Bailey was being baptized and I was one of the Godmothers. My family from various parts of Washington and Oregon came. It was good to be around my sisters and of course baby Bailey. I just love being an auntie. I want to say thanks to my family for reading my blog and asking what I have been up to. I was thinking I had maybe 2-3 readers but turns out I just might have a following :) I thought I would up date what I have been up to since the end of April. Most of my family already knows but for those quite lurkers here goes. I am still applying for jobs, hard to find many that might my criteria, I got a letter saying I will find out this week if I get an interview with Washington County for a tobacco prevention job, We have been trying to figure out what home improvements are a must this summer, playing in our yard, going for bike rides and dealing with the cats. Not to make it a cat blog but last night Melvin attacked Margo causing her to now have limp when she walks. Corey and I are torn between keeping both or letting one go. It is a hard decision causing some stress at home. I was working hard on keeping my stress levels down but kids they do it to you every time. Promise to keep everyone informed on my happenings. To my sister Lauren sorry about not getting the position. Lets use this time to plan another Cabo trip including Amy.