Friday, September 26, 2008

3 Year Anniversary

Our 3 year anniversary was September 10th. We took Thursday and Friday off to enjoy ourselves. We left early in the morning for the Pendleton Round-Up. It was both of our first times going. We meet up with our friend Mary and her friend to watch the rodeo. I have not been to a rodeo since I was a child. My dad took my sister and I once. During the caff roping event they accidentally broke its neck and it died in front of us. Me being a sensitive child cried and made such a scene we had to leave. What are the chances it would happen again right, wrong. Half way through the rodeo was the caff and horse roping event and it happened again. Besides that part we had a good time soaking up the sun and cheering on the cowboys. We enjoyed the Native American ceremonies and shopped in the market. We bought ourselves a Native American vase with a turtle for longevity and a flute player for happiness and good health on it. We also got our soon to be nephew (Corey's sister is due in January) a dream catcher. A trip to Pendleton isn't complete with out going to the World Famous Let'er Buck room. They only have Whisky and Vodka that come out of dispensers. It felt like a dirty old western saloon. For dinner we had pizza. It has kind of become a tradition of ours to try new pizza parlors in each town we go to. We only like the cracker crust pizza style. Our love for pizza dates back to the start of us.
On Friday we wanted to stay in a Mcmenamins since Corey proposed at one. The only room available was at the White Eagle under the Fremont Bridge. They play live music every night. That night the band was a lively country blues band. We enjoyed listening to them outside under the heat lamp drinking and eating. I have decided to try drinking beer. That night I ordered and finished by first beer a pilsner. We turned in around midnight but the band played below us till 2am.
Saturday Heidi planned an End of Summer Dinner at John's house. The couples are John and Natalie, Heidi and Tyler and Corey and I. We have become close friends and will be sad to see Heidi and Tyler leave for England this November. We hope to plan a few more nights together before then.
Sunday we had plans to eat dinner with Rhea and Alan but the night before wasn't kind to us and we rescheduled for a later date. All in all we had a nice anniversary filled with fun experiences, new places, friends, time alone and good conversations. Here's to next year and perhaps being in Australia.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Done Painting

Well, I'm done anyway. There are a few things Carol is going to wrap up, but there is very little left. After painting every day for the last two weeks with only one or two days off, I'm tired. Now I have the pleasure of using the time I was painting to study for the Professional Engineering exam. If you haven't had the privileged of trying to relearn in a month what you spent 4 years of college studying so you can take an 8 hour exam that only 50% of people pass resulting in the ability to sign documents that make you legally liable for for multi million dollar projects, you're missing out. Well, what is life without a little excitement.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Month Off

We took August off from blogging. Not intentionally just things kept coming up and sitting in front of a computer all day at work does not motivate. So here is a recap of what we did in August.
August 8-10 we planned on going camping. I took the Friday off but due to conflicting schedules with friends we decided to stay home. Corey went to work and I hang out with my niece and sister. Saturday we washed and waxed our car (Mazada Corey sold his). Afterwards we drive to Silver Falls and hiked almost 8 miles. Corey's parents were having a dinner party and we joined in. Had some yummy beans and cornbread.
August 15-17th we went to Lincoln beach with my family. It was nice seeing everyone together and we had tons of food and sugar to snack on. One down fall was the weather it was 100 degrees here but very over casted and cold at the beach. Other down fall everybody was fleeing to the beach making traffic horrible. My sister Lauren and grandma B took 12hrs to get from Seattle to Lincoln beach.
August 23-24 I had the Lee family Reunion. Corey stayed home to finish the patio cover. It was good to hear my great uncle Ned's stories about bowling. I also got to see my cousin Karen who lives in Cali. She is expecting her first little one next March. I wish she lived closer. I got to walk around with Bailey till she fell asleep. Boy is she getting heavy. On Sunday I went to the baby shower of a college friend. I have three friends having babies in September and that was the only shower I could go to. At her shower we all made a scrapbook pages for her and her family to add pictures too. I thought it was a great idea.
August 29-31st The start of the never ending painting job. If you read the previous post you know that we are still working on finishing the job. We were lucky to have family and friends help us the 1st weekend and on/off the second weekend. We both have little motivation to work on it during the week. Speaking of painting we should be doing that instead of hiding from the heat. Can you believe it 90-95 this week, it is September.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Painting, Painting, Painting, Painting....... Oh, and Painting

Well, we've been painting the outside of the house for two consecutive weekends, 6 days, and still haven't finished. I've been trying to convince the other writer to take some pictures and post them here, but she apparently can't be bothered. I won't reveal too much, because I think she wants to elaborate and tell a story.

Okay, back on topic, while the hours have been long and the weather hasn't always gone our way, much progress has been made and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We nearly have two coats on the body of the house and the trim has a single coat almost everywhere.

Add in all of the other home projects and we are slowly bringing our 60's home into the 21st century.

Ta Ta for Now!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Stress Stress .... Stress

Lots of stuff has been happening in our household. We've been painting, building patio covers, getting estimates for doors, putting off studying for the PE exam (which can't be put off any longer), cleaning up another round of Mel's pee out of the sofa, scheduling appointments, getting frustrated with work, and more more more. Thanks for sharing in our stress and take it easy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Melvin Melodrama

Part 1:
Well, Mel has been the source of much drama recently. Last week he escaped from the house in the middle of the night due to a pressure washing mishap. While we were getting ready for work, the house was calm and relaxed. When we got home from work the house was calm and relaxed, that is until it occurred to us Mel was missing. Carol was crying, I think Mel was too, because he had been out of the house for 12 hours or more. We rushed around the neighborhood alerting neighbors and asking them to call. Eventually, when we called from the backyard, he responded. We found him under a shed in the back neighbors yard, content and licking himself. I ran around the block with the cat carrier, but there was no way he was leaving the sanctuary of the shed crawl space. We left him there, checking periodically to see if he had come out or disappeared again. Before dark he came out, couldn't jump over the fence, and whined until we came to get him. Over the next two days, the only reason he stood was to walk to the food dish.

Part 2:
While part 1 wasn't all that endearing, it was exciting for him and for us. Part 2 on the other hand hasn't been endearing at all. Yep, you guessed it, he peed on the couch. We've gone through nearly an entire gallon bottle of enzyme cleaner trying to rid ourselves of the odor. While the smell has been reduced significantly, it does still linger and we are stuck trying to sit of half a sectional couch. These are the times that try men's souls.

Peace Out