Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Just a quick note that I think could make some of you laugh. Yesterday I was making dinner, fish tacos. I told Corey that I would do it all. Normally he is in charge of barbecue and now I know why. I went out to light the barbecue and in the process caught my hair ablaze. It only singed a little but the rest of the night I spelt of burnt hair, yummy. Later Corey reviewed how to do it correctly I guess you are not suppose to turn all the burns on at first. Go figure. Hope you had a good laugh at my expense.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Last night I turned in my application for my dream job. It is a program assistant position with the city of Portland in their office of sustainability. Over the past two years I have become more mindful of my environment and what I leave behind. In this job I would be helping the recycling at work, composting with restaurants and multifamily housing recycling programs the city has. I would be able to use my degree and work in area of new passion for me. After I sent off the resume I became really sad because I want it so bad and now it is in someone elses hands. That is hard to deal with. I could really use all the good thoughts and prays possible. Otherwise I might be with out a job by August or September because I really need to leave WIC. I think the job is starting to affect my daily happiness and relationship with Corey. Upseting that ones job has that much impact on their life. Please wish me luck. I will be in such a mess if I get an interview.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Got the downers and the uppers

Lately I have been feeling a little depressed to say the least. I guess anyone would the way the economy and gas prices are going. My issues stems more from feeling lonely. I have Corey but like my therapist says (yes I am back to seeing a shrink) I can't depend on him for all my relationship needs because then our marriage would fail. I have a way of isolating my self from others especially if I feel wronged by them. It is something I am working on but it is hard to reconnect after so much time or make new friends. On top of all that emotional stuff I have been feeling old. My face continues to break out and the only way to stop it it seems is to dry it out which makes it all crack and leather looking. I also feel like I need to buy new underwear not because its old but that my hips are getting to big. I really do have my moms body, hippy. With all this I was looking forward to seeing Sex in the City with Kristine and Jenny. The movie was great but instead of feeling all warm and fuzzy about friendship I felt sad that I don't have that close bond with any girls. I use to have girl friends I would tell everything too and call talk about boys or Corey too. That left me looking towards even more to my slubmer party night with Talia and Heidi. Talia ended up canceling but Heidi and I still went out. I made an appointment to get my hair cut right before to look fablous. Between the new hair cut, new make-up arriving in the mail, a new shirt Heidi gave me, drinks and a night out with a good friend I feel better. But you be the judge of that, aren't these pictures of a happy person!!!