Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for a few reasons. The yummy food, spending time with family, relaxing and no pressure with presents. Corey's family has a tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving the Sunday before at his aunts house. This is great since his whole family including cousins and second cousins are all there because there isn't any other conflicting dinners. This year at the McManus/Goin Thanksgiving there were 5 kids under 2 1/2. I totally got my baby fix that day. We might need to add another room on when these little ones start to eat.

On Thanksgiving we spent the day at my sister Lora's house in Corvallis. We brought the appetizers and the traditional spinach casserole. We were late and there was a hungry crowd waiting for us but we still left with leftover appetizers. I am fortunate that my divorced parents can actually be in the same room and have conversations with one another. It was what you could call the "modern" family Thanksgiving. My dad's side of the family including his wife, my grandparents and my aunt mingling with my mom and her husband. Of course the star of the show wasn't the food or the games (which Auntie Pam continued her 5 game winning streak) but Ms. Bailey. My niece wowed everyone with her ABC's, songs, numbers, shapes and bowling abilities. She preformed well under pressure, she is a star in the making. Hope you all had a good thanksgiving. Bring on Christmas!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Other Blogs

I thought I would add a few other blogs or websites I like to follow for information and recipes to further our goal of living simpler.     This is a blog filled with recipes using your slow cooker     Just started to follow this but seems to have good information    This website has tons of creative craft and sewing projects.    I use this to look up recipes by cookinglight magazine.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Pumpkins and Halloween

Our first post written together.
We had another successful Pumpkin Carving Party on the 28th. It has become a tradition since moving into our house three years ago. Corey made his families Rumpunchkin, a rum drink served from a pumpkin. He also got the materials and painted an OSU beer pong table, which distracted him so much that he didn't get his pumpkin carved. It seemed to be wildly popular even among the older adults. For those of you who are beer pong novices, you make a pyramid of cups partially filled with beer and try to toss ping pong balls into the other teams cups. Yes, we still are playing drinking games, our future kids will think we are awesome!
We had quite a crowd, enough people we had to moving the pumpkin carving station into the garage. There were a bunch of great pumpkins and Carol's skill seem to be approving each year.
Carol had a good time making treats for the party this year. The list included pumpkin bread,  pumpkin bars and caramel corn. There diffidently wasn't a shortage of food to eat.
We really enjoyed that this year included a bunch of first timers and third timers.

On actual Halloween we dressed up for the first time in years and headed out to our friends John and Natalie's house. Our costumes were couple theme Carol was Alice in Wonderland and Corey was the King of Hearts. We rented them from a local costume shop. The choices were slightly limited due to Carol's size. She ended up wearing a kids costume. We had a great time hitting up a few haunted houses. We always have a good time with John, Natalie, Heidi and Tyler.