Thursday, October 1, 2009

Master Recycler

I am in the process of becoming a Master Recycler. What is a Master Recycler you ask will this is from their website
        Master Recyclers take a eight-week course on the latest information on waste prevention and recycling.  They then share this information to their neighbors in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington county. There are more than 900 Master Recyclers, volunteering more than 20,000 hours. Each Master Recycler must payback 30hrs of service.

For the past 4 Wednesdays from 6:30 pm till 9:30 pm at night I have been learning all about waste reduction and recycling. I have 4 weeks left and one more field trip. Our first field trip was to a MRF (Materials Recovery Facility) and a dry waste landfill. Taking this course has inspired me to clean up our recycling area at home and make it more organize. We have a box for scrap paper, a bin for glass ONLY, plastic and aluminum and another for paper and cardboard. The other two bins are for pop cans and plastics you can't recycle at the curb. Of course a separate collection for plastic film aka plastic bags (not recyclable at curb!!!!!). I can't say it enough but please no glass with your other recyclables and NO PLASTIC BAGS AT THE CURB!!!!! At the MRF they have to stop every 2-3hrs to cut out all the plastic bags that have gummed up the system. Better yet don't use plastic bags keep reusable bags in your car for any shopping trip or just say no to bags at the store. Okay I am getting off my high horse now. Feel free to post or email me any questions you might have on recycling. Have a great first day of October everyone.


Unknown said...

so is it good to separate things (paper, cardboard, plastic tubs etc) even when you have the giant beaverton recycle rolley-cart where you dump everything together anyway? I know our paper shreds go in a paper bag, but I've never separated anything else. (other than glass and evil plastic bags, of course.)
Oh and I've always wondered: can you recycle egg cartons? hehe...

Pammymac said...

Very informative, Carol. What about composting? Is that on your list?